Why Join the MBLA?


Sharpen Your Practice Skills

Whether you are beginning your career, developing new practice areas, or starting your own firm, the MBLA’s seminars can help you gain the knowledge and skills you need. The programs feature expert speakers and comprehensive written material that will be useful to you in your practice.


Obtain Help Finding a Job or Changing Careers

 The MBLA offers a variety of ways for you to search for your first job or a new opportunity. The MBLA periodically circulates professional opportunities, especially those employers reaching out to the African-American legal community.


Expand Your Client Base

For those in private practice, client development is critical. There is no better place to network than the MBLA. Participation in MBLA activities offers many opportunities to meet fellow African-American lawyers and develop new business relationships.


Stay Informed

The MBLA newsletter contains information on legal newsmakers, announcements of upcoming programs, and information exclusively for members. The MBLA newsletter is emailed directly to you.


Improve The Image of Black Lawyers

Gain valuable experience and assist the community by volunteering for the MBLA’s community service activities. No time commitment is too small and our help can really make a difference to someone else.


MBLA Membership Sign Up

The MBLA membership year runs April 1 – March 31.
The 2023-2024 term expires on March 31, 2024.
The new 2024-2025 term begins on April 1, 2025.

For students




Academia, Government, or Legal Services Attorneys


Less than 5 years


More than 5 years


Lifetime Membership


Dues Assistance Program

The MBLA Dues Assistance Program is intended to assist attorneys and law school graduates who are temporarily unable to afford the cost of membership dues. Any prospective or current member of the MBLA (whether admitted to the Bar in Massachusetts or not) may apply for a partial or full dues reduction for general MBLA dues by submitting a written application for assistance.
Members receiving dues assistance will be entitled to all of the benefits of membership, including the right to vote in elections and the right to receive discounted admission to MBLA events. Dues assistance will be granted for one year at a time.  Prospective or current members who require additional dues assistance after the end of a grant year must reapply for such further assistance by submitting a new written application.  There is no limit on the number of years during which an applicant may receive dues assistance.

Corporate Group Rate Membership

The MBLA Corporate Group rate membership option allows law firms, corporate entities, academic entities, government agencies and nonprofit organizations (a Sponsor Entity) to pay for individual annual memberships for the attorneys in that particular office who want to be part of the MBLA. When the Sponsor Entity pays the appropriate membership fee, any employee of that sponsor entity who is eligible to become a member of the MBLA can become an individual member of the MBLA for the relevant program year. The entity itself will not be a member of the MBLA. The individual memberships will be issued to particular attorneys for the duration of that membership year.

If the application is approved a Sponsor Entity will be allowed to pay membership dues for eligible attorneys at a reduced rate of $112.50 per attorney per and $50.00 per attorney for a Sponsor Entity in academia, the government or legal services.

Additionally Sponsor Entities will receive an additional discount based on the number of attorneys who want to join the MBLA based on the current membership cycle.

# of Members — Discount
0-5 — 10%
6-15 — 15%
15+ — 20%