Board Committees

MBLA activities are developed and managed by its standing Committees, which include the Community Service Committee, the Programs and Professional Development Committee, the Black Women In The Profession Subcommittee, the Student Support Committee, the Membership Development Committee, the External Affairs Committee, the Publications Subcommittee, the Social Media and Marketing Subcommittee, the Social Action Committee, the Judicial Appointment Committee, and the Finance Committee.

Community Service & Social Action Committee

This committee encourages the involvement of the membership in volunteer legal services and community service activities and also encourages leadership, advocacy and empowerment of the MBLA membership and greater legal community to effect social change and public policy in the Commonwealth. Through this Committee, the MBLA hopes to establish its position on emerging or perennial public issues pertinent to the practice of law in the Commonwealth. The committee will implement programs that stimulate social action and educate members and the community on current social justice issues.

Co-Chairs: Tasha Marshall, Bethany Serota
Members: Ben Adeyinka, Steven Hanton, Kareema Scott

Programs and Professional Development Committee

This committee is responsible for planning and executing all programs geared to enhance the retention and advancement of attorneys of color in Massachusetts.

  • The Black Women In The Profession (BWITP) Subcommittee works with the Professional Development Committee and external organizations to ensure Black women attorneys and law students have equal opportunities for professional growth and development in the Commonwealth. More specifically, this Subcommittee works to address the decline of Black female representation among law firm associate and partner ranks, both locally and nationally.
  • The Beyond Boston Sub-Committee
    This sub-committee will work with the Professional Development Committee and external organizations to ensure Black attorneys and law students have equal opportunities for professional growth and development throughout the Commonwealth, by making programming available outside Boston through direct and intentional programming and the use of technology, when available. More specifically, this Committee will work to address the need to increase the visibility and professional growth for attorneys who reside in other parts of the Commonwealth and are unable to easily access programming typically available in Boston.

Co-Chairs: Fredrick Philantrope, Christelle Jean-Felix
Members: Tyrus Cartwright, Jameel Moore, Ava Concepcion, Steven Hanton

Student Support Committee

This committee provides support to area law school students through mentorship and networking programs. This committee also oversees the MBLA scholarship award programs.
Co-Chairs: Arianne Waldron, Steve Hanton
Members: Jameel Moore, George Clark, Kayla Pulliam, Abagail Hall

Membership Development Committee

This committee is responsible for the development of the organization’s membership.
Co-Chairs: Evan Coleman, Michael Kippins

External Affairs Committee

This committee facilitates MBLA partnerships with other similarly-missioned organizations locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. It works to improve the state-wide awareness of the MBLA through media, strategic collaborations with external organizations, and other appropriate mechanisms. Finally, it advises the MBLA Board of Directors (BOD), its Committees and partners and coordinates their external communication efforts on important current MBLA initiatives, programs and policy positions, if any.

  • The MBLA Webmaster oversees the maintenance of the MBLA website.
  • The Social Media and Marketing Subcommittee oversees the MBLA social media outlets (i.e., Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram) and works closely with Directors and MBLA consultants to appropriately market MBLA events and programs.
  • The Publications Subcommittee serves as the primary literary body for the MBLA. It will assess editorial quality and content for any existing or new MBLA publications, including newsletters, position statements, online periodicals and the like. It will make recommendations to the BOD related to the needs and adequacy of the publications including the curtailment of ongoing efforts and the initiation of new efforts. This Committee will also advise the BOD on any relevant issues of copyright policy relevant to protecting the MBLA intellectual property.

Co-Chairs: IB Koleosho, Tyrus Cartwright
Members: Arianne Waldron, Tyrus Cartwright, Steven Hanton, Tasha Marshall, BBA-TBD

Gala Committee

This committee plans the logistics for the Annual MBLA Gala.
Chair: Avana Epperson-Temple
Members: Jermaine Kidd, Tiffanie Niles, Avana Epperson-Temple, Jameel Moore, Allyson Wilkinson

Finance Committee

This committee ensures compliance with applicable state and federal laws and maintains the organization’s tax-exempt status.
Co-Chairs: Morenike Adams, Avana Epperson-Temple
Members: Jermaine Kidd, Avana Epperson-Temple, Tiffanie Niles

Judicial Affairs Committee

Co-Chairs: Theresa Coney, Jermaine Kidd
Members: Ben Adeyinka, Abigail Hall

Governance Committee

Co-Chairs: Jameel Moore, Sania Santos

Wellness Task Force

Chair: Tasha Marshall

Financial Literacy Task Force

Chair: Evan Coleman


For more information on joining an MBLA Committee, please contact any Committee Chair or the MBLA directly.