Scholarship Opportunities

As part of our ongoing mission to support our Law Student Members, the Massachusetts Black Lawyers Association awards between $11,000 and $16,000 to talented and deserving law students each year. The MBLA awards four scholarships annually: The Fletcher “Flash” Wiley MBLA Legacy Award (up to two students, $5,000 each), The Honorable Chief Justice Roderick L. Ireland Leadership and Juvenile Advocacy Award ($2,000), The Honorable Reginald Lindsay Public Service Award ($2,000), and The Honorable Justice Geraldine S. Hines Civil Rights Award ($2,000). Awards are only open to MBLA Law Student Members. Although students may apply for more than one of the above named scholarships, no student will be awarded more than one scholarship in any given year.  

MBLA Scholarship Fund

Build the Legacy

Honorable Chief Justice Roderick L. Ireland Leadership and Juvenile Advocacy Award

This award was established to support the development of students who, like Chief Justice Ireland, have exhibited a…

Honorable Reginald Lindsay Public Service Award

This award seeks to support the development of students who, like Judge Lindsay, have overcome adversity to use their outstanding academic ability and skills in public service.

Fletcher “Flash” Wiley MBLA Legacy Scholarship Award

This award seeks to support the development of students who, like Past MBLA President Fletcher “Flash” Wiley, display academic and professional excellence, exhibit a…


The Honorable Geraldine S. Hines Civil Rights Award seeks to support the development of students who, like Justice Hines, have used their outstanding academic ability and…

*All scholarship application materials should be emailed to as a single PDF document. In the title of your PDF document, please indicate your name and the scholarship for which you are applying.

The deadline for submission of scholarship application materials is TBD. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

If you would like to support our scholarships you can do so by making a contribution to the MBLA Building The Legacy Scholarship Fund. This fund was created through a partnership with the Boston Bar Foundation. As the BBF is a 501(c)(3) organization, all contributions to the fund are tax-deductible to the extent provided by law.

Questions regarding the MBLA Scholarships or the scholarship application process may be directed to the Co-Chair of the Student Support Committee, Arianne Waldron at