Former MBLA President Walter Prince Assists Boston Marathon Bombing Victim

Former MBLA President Walter Prince and other lawyers at Prince Lobel have been providing pro bono represention to Mery Daniel, a victim of the Boston Marathon bombing.

On the day of the bombing, Mery Daniel, who was born in Haiti, was standing near the finish line.  She was enjoying the music, watching the race, and celebrating with the crowd.  She does not remember the explosion and quickly lost consciousness.  Mery was rushed to the hospital.  Her heart stopped beating twice and was massaged back to life.  When Mery woke up in the hospital three days after she arrived, her left leg had been amputated above her knee.  The muscle tissue on her right leg was destroyed leaving an indentation where there was once a calf, her pancreas was lacerated, and her eardrum was ruptured.  She spent the next 38 days in the hospital undergoing additional surgeries and learning to survive without her leg.

After the bombing, Karen Holmes Ward from WCVB TV contacted Walter Prince and asked if his firm could help Mery and 13 lawyers immediately volunteered. Mery has had to relocate from her 2nd floor walk-up apartment, get extra help with her five-year-old daughter, and faces a lifelong stream of bills for hospitalizations, rehab, prosthetics, and more. Somehow, Mery has managed to maintain a positive attitude. Her bright smile and sweet, quiet personality, masks the extraordinary challenges she faces beyond her physical recovery. Mery is fighting hard to reclaim her life and she hopes to continue with her medical education.

Since the bombing, Prince Lobel has been involved in helping her on a range of issues such as housing, transportation, the One Fund, and establishing her trust, just to name a few.

On October 18, 2013, Prince Lobel had a party at their office for Mery. Below are some pictures from that event.