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Inequality for All: 
A Free Documentary Screening and Panel Discussion
on ways Lawyers, Law Students, and the
Organized Bar can Address Poverty
Part of the Public Interest Law Track at the 2014 Annual MeetingFriday, August 8, 2014, 1:00 – 3:30 PM
Room 310, Level 3, Hynes Convention Center


Please join us for a free screening and discussion of the acclaimed Robert Reich documentary, “Inequality for All,” a PILC541_200x183film examining widening income inequality in the United States. The screening will be followed by a panel discussion of ways in which lawyers, law students and the organized bar can address poverty through direct legal services, pro bono programs and legislative advocacy as well as through volunteerism and other engagement. The discussion will include helpful tips for both law students and lawyers interested in making a career switch to public interest law and policy work as well as effective strategies for any lawyer interested in getting involved with antipoverty advocacy efforts on the national, state and local levels. Learn how to get involved with ABA advocacy efforts, and tell us what the ABA can do to support your efforts!


Jacquelynne J. Bowman
Executive Director, Greater Boston Legal Services, Boston, MA

Antonia Fasanelli
Executive Director, Homeless Persons Representation Project, Baltimore, MD

Robin Runge
Professorial Lecturer in Law, The George Washington University Law School, Washington, DC

REGISTER NOW TO JOIN THE PUBLIC INTEREST LAW TRACK AT THE  2014 ANNUAL MEETING IN BOSTON2014 Annual Meeting:  www.ambar.org/annualRegistration:   https://www.xpressreg.net/register/abaa084/start.aspTo see a full listing of Public Interest Law programs, visit:
 Registration is free for Governance Only registrants, although some
individual programs may require a separate ticketed fee.
Commission on Homelessness and Poverty
American Bar Association
1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Suite 400
Washington, DC  20036

For More Public Interest Law Programming at the
2014 Annual Meeting:

2014 Annual Meeting Guide to
Public Interest Programming and Policymaking 

For additional information about the
American Bar Association 2014 Annual Meeting,