The MBLA Building the Legacy Scholarship Fund, established by the MBLA Board of Directors in November 2017, is used to support the MBLA’s portfolio of law student scholarships, including the newly announced Fletcher “Flash” Wiley MBLA Legacy Scholarship Award, the Chief Justice Roderick Ireland Leadership and Juvenile Justice Scholarship Award and the Justice Reginald Lindsay Public Service Scholarship Award.

This fund was created through a partnership with the Boston Bar Foundation. As the BBF is a 501(c)(3) organization, all contributions to the fund are tax-deductible to the extent provided by law.

To donate online to the Building the Legacy Scholarship Fund, visit our ONLINE DONATION PAGE here. To donate by check, send your donation made payable to the “Boston Bar Foundation” with “MBLA Scholarship Fund” on the memo line, to:

Boston Bar Foundation
ATTN: MBLA Scholarship Fund
Department 550
P.O. Box 4110
Woburn, MA 01888-4110

You may also contribute via credit card by dialing 617-778-2040 and asking for Ashley Young or Anna Milewska. You will need the credit card number, the expiration date and the cardholder’s full name. Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express are accepted.

The MBLA is able to make a difference in the lives of law students of color across the Commonwealth because of supporters like you! Thank you in advance for your contribution!